안녕하세요?...Welcome to Suray's World & Beyond

where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Pak Saiful Islam' Last Assignment @KBS

Hari ini Pak Saiful menggantikan Pak Nugroho utk sementara waktu. Harus ada kenangan lg nih.^^
PD Hong berjasa mengabadikan kami berdua...^^kenangan pas bekerja bersama.
Thanks pak Saiful.
Selamat wisuda...
 Pastikan semua rapi
Siappp. baik baik ya pak.

Our Lovely Campus

It's a small yet pretty neat campus...
It's easy to navigate around...
Small parks dotted some spaces...
Can't wait to have the colors changing....but even today. .it's enough to put a smile on my face...
Is it because the weather being so brightly welcoming...
Or is it because the campus itself is pretty neat in the first place?
I guess BOTH.

Homemade Cheesecake

It's not the first time we had cheesecakes. ...made specially by my wife..or the Mom of our kids^^ I mean...she's so into cakes that....
This one was made at 2 am!!!!
When I asked her as to why she had to wake up and made this so early. . .
She said that simply out of curiosity what it would be like....
To make cheesecakes at dawn.^^
맛있어서 ...좋아^^

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Soho . . .

Passing by a line up of restaurants at Soho-Jeongno, Seoul on my way to Youngpoong bookstore to buy dictionaries, books, movie magazines, diaries, and other stuffs ordered by my  colleagues, aunt, friends. ..at home.^o^
There goes my energy^^


Pak Nugroho hari ini resmi selesai bertugas di siaran bhs Indonesia KBS World.
Pantesan....pake batik.^^ kuarahkan kamera utk ambil moment saat tadi stlh selesai rekaman bersama.
Trm.ksh.ya Pak. Maaf kalo ada salah.^^


Pagi-pagi pas nyariii buku di perpus...tiba-tiba mataku tertuju pd satu buku yg bikin daku lemezzzz^^
Hihihi....slkn cari apa yg sy maksud.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

70년 동안의 비행

70 years of Korea's Aviation.

Mr. Nugroho's Farewell with KBS Family

금강산도 식후경 ....Eat first....then...let's talk..ㅋ
So...tonight was a farewell dinner for...and with Mr Nugroho.
He's been in the office for two years now.
That's why....it's time for someone new from Jakarta to fill in his shoes.
And....tonight....we had a thank-you dinner for him.
The big family of KBS World Radio siaran Bahasa Indonesia.
Ok....again...the buffet's waving at me. Let's dig in....^^
Hmm.....pass. pass...pass.
Hmm....멈출 수없다 ㅋㅋㅋ
Back to the table....we're talking over what happened for the last 2 years.
And...it has been a great journey..m
Thank you..pak.Nugroho.
As we're going home from the GLAD hotel....
We're taking some more pics
Sampai jumpa lg Pak.
The big family of radio kita.
Greets: GLAD *I almost spelled it GLAAD^^-wishful thinking^^  where we had the buffet.
Terima kasih pak Nugroho.

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