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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

@ Mr. Pizza: A Dinner

Did you have fun, gals? Sure they did. 
They were so excited when we told them that we would dine out. Especially..as they found out that we would have pizza over dinner. Hmm...having pizza is actually a bit hard right here in Korea where most of the ingredients are meat that we cannot eat. So, the only safe choice we could have is (chuckles) always to make sure that we have either vegetarian pizzas or seafood pizzas. 
So, the other day (Monday night), we met our two students who happened to be also studying in Seoul. Diana (white jilbab): arrived a year ago to start her MA at Hanyang University. And Hesti (black jilbab): just graduated a week ago from Ehwa Womans University.
So, the occasion: was to welcome Diana and at the same time to congratulate Hesti on her graduation.
Once again: Eyra and Freya could not keep themselves quiet for a while. They kept on moving about the place: Oh, they loved seeing the cook make pizza live. Yes: one of the characteristics of Mr. Pizza is that customers have a chance to see the pizzas being made right in front of their eyes.  
Now it's a picture where my wife's in it^^. See all the girls are clad in jilbab. And I was the only man in the group. One man with three women in jilbab and two kids:)^^ I wonder if there were other customers who might have misunderstood the situation like: 
"Wow, that man has three women!!!!^^^ hahahahahahahahahaha
Of course...I was just making fun of myself.
But, with more and more Moslems students coming to Korea or Seoul in particular, I am hoping that more and more people are more accustomed and welcome to seeing women in jilbab
After all, Korea is transforming itself into a multicultural society. 
And we are a part of Korean society at the moment. 
Oh..ah..about the pizza: We loved it. We love Mr. Pizza.!!!!

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