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Thursday, July 31, 2014

DMZ TRAIN (part 4)

Security Check-Point @ Imjingang Station. This is what I mean by 'scorching+exposing ourselves both to the security and the SUN.^^ Yes, we got to get out of the train and got ourselves standing in queue under the blistering summer heat^^ It was 33 degrees Celsius!! No Kidding. 
Each of us (even babies were ordered to do this)^^must bring our ID card and the completed forms. 
Then...another queue inside the building where two officers would check and match the forms and the ID we brought. It took only a minute or less. 
Then...we were ready to embark on the train again...continuing our trip to Dorasan station--our last destination. 
While waiting for other passengers to finish being checked, we might as well use the opportunity to take some pics in front of the 임진강 Imjingang Station signboard as an 인증썃.  
Notice the green name tag hanging on our necks? Yes, that's the ID card we must bring during the whole tour within the Demilitarized Zone. 
It looked so fun, well it was FUN....but ....HEat HeAT...HEAT....^^ 
The good side: we did not need any flash to take any pics. 
Imjingang station is the station prior entering the Dorasan station (station within the DMZ!!). 
One more look into the train before departing. Some passengers were seen still..taking some AHA moment in front of the train. It's be just an ordinary-looking situation at any train station in Korea had I not added any information that I did take it @ Imjingang. 
Tadah....Eyra and Freya now got their 'passport' to take the tour within the DMZ.

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