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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Indonesia-Korea CUltural Show (part 1)

한국-인도네시아 문화 교류의 밤  or Malam Pertukaran Budaya Indonesia - Korea or Indonesia - Korea Cultural Exchange Show was finally going to the an end. It had lasted for over one and a half an hour at HUFS BRICS hall as I mentioned earlier. So, this next performance was what was called as 모듬북 'Modeumbuk' . I think it was a kind of drum beating show in which some performers showed off their talents of arranging extremely fantastic sounds of drums through their energy and power.

The modeumbuk was accompanied by the 사자춤 or Lion Dance which to me was a kind of Barongsai in Indonesian-Chinese culture. The lion was accompanied by a masked dancer whose task was somewhat to tame the ferocious lion--that's what I thought.

See the lion? kinda cute, eh? The lion and the masked dancer were dancing to the tune and drum beats that kept on accompanying their movements. 

I think it worth to mention that this drum group was led by one of Korea's famous drum guru named Mr. Kim Kyu Hyeong (김규형). He did show off his energized power in rendering one of the most intricate and powerful performance in allowing the audience know and feel the rhythm he was offering--through his ever-smiling face^^

Finally, the Indonesia-Korea Cultural show was highlighted or somewhat nicely closed with what we called as 교제의 춤  or friendship dance. This time, some Indonesia dancers invited their Korean counterparts from the audience to come up on stage and dance along together in tune with Indonesian (Betawi) traditional music arrangement that specially.......delivered Korea's most famous song; Arirang.^^
What could be more interesting than this?
I do hope that through this kind of' extravaganza' show, both countries could learn 
and nurture close ties forever.

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