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Monday, June 11, 2012

Remnants...in my head

So many things just wrapped up into my mind, especially the ever-exploding words, vocabularies, and expressions that I learned, ...have learned, ...am learning during Korean classes. So as to keep them intact in my memories, I am thinking of writing them down as a non-sequential story-line of mind-pouring or jot-it-down-quick kinda stuff.^^. Never mind the grammar^^. Korean grammar does ruin my head^^. It is way more complicated than I had previously thought of^^
Here we go:
- 가까운 친구 사이라도 자주 만나지 않으면 서먹 서먹해지기 마련이다.
- 말다툼을 하고 나서 그 사람과 서먹서먹해졌다.
- 억지로 그럴 수 밖에 없죠, 뭐^^.
- 그 디자이너의 작품은 전통을 고수한다는 점에서 큰 의미가 있다.
- '온고지신'란 말이 (잠깐...이건 무슨 뜻인지...^^). 아마...옛날 것만 가지고 현대에 쓰인다. 그런 것 같다. (몰라^^).
- 한국은 바다와 대륙을 잇는 지역적인 특수성을 가지고 있다는 걸 안다.
Wait, I think I also learned something about  고사를 지내다. Let's see..I guess it had something to do with some kind of traditional offerings that I can associate with 'sesajen' in Indonesia or in Javanese culture, to be exact. When one is about to open a store or a business, one must do this kind of gosa '고사' or 'sesajen' so as to give it a blessing for its success.
- 긍지가 높다 ><긍지가 낮다 and something like  긍지를 느끼다 or stuff similar with ' 자부심을 느끼다'
At least this was pretty much what I learned.
- 그 는 자신이 경찰이라는 것에 긍지를 느끼며 살고 있다.
Let's see what other things that ended up in my mind that day^^
Stuffs like  문화재를 복원하다는 것은 ' to recreate or to relive a cultural trait (that once was)'. I hope I got it right. Then, let's see: Oh yes...all of a sudden, I also ended up talking about 야당 and 여당, 지방주의, 지역주의etc kind of stuffs in my class.

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