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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Got Lost in Jeju

Literally....I was lost inside the maze made of stones in sulmundae 

Yes..설문대할망설화..or Should I say...this is literally the stone labyrinth ..^^

See what I mean? I do not need to explain what it was...since literally as I explained earlier...

I did not know as to why we got lost into this so-called 'Halmang' Park in the first place.^^

So, instead of going around inside the maze, we walked around the park and found some other stone-made statues of I don't know what....^^
Really...they were full of ghastly shapes that at times...I did not bother to comprehend for it was too difficult to comprehend...

I guess...the best way to enjoy the place..was then...going onto the look-out tower where we could see the whole maze that...was supposed to resemble a halmoni or a woman known for being a goddess in one of Jeju's legends.

Nope...it was not visible from this angle, though. Sorry....^^

Just as we were walking past stones after stones..I started to notice that most of them have been covered with lush green vegetation that make the stones even more interesting...I mean, they were actually nice to look at, considering the natural look it offered.

Since I was a bit tired of what to do and see...the only thing that captured my attention was then...looking something out of this world^^ no. no. no. Just raking into the fallen leaves that scattered around the area...

Got one that caught my eyes..and started taking a picture of it.^^

Then...as time passed me by...I found another subject to look at at the park....this time...it was cherry-like fruits that seemed to add some beauty to the otherwise grey-looking stones

What else? I found a rather attractive stones joined together in between by a curved  stone. I got an idea...why not...taking picture with me in between, then?

This, too. Now..I've officially found some ways to enjoy myself while getting lost in the maze of stones right here in 설문대 할망 테마공원...

Zaaapppeeeddd....I was zoomed into another dimension of Jeju island.
Compared to the previously attached pictures where grey stones seemed to endlessly dotted the site... 

I went to a place where the three demigods of Jeju got married on the spot. 

How green the place was. It was indeed a sight to be.

Oh wait.....^^

The very spot where the three demigods of Jeju or 삼신인 got married in the place called 혼인지 or Honinji.

Some of our friends were enjoying the place. 

I took a snap picture of this beautiful flowers that just sprung up beside the pond...

Isn't it lovely? ^^

Just a pond...

Now...a pond and me.^^

As we were walking through the wooden path, we saw more and more interesting stuffs..

The best part was that...the air was so fresh and that all of the green trees along the way somewhat gave me a booster-kind-of spirit to keep on going with the route...

Although frankly speaking...we were like...what? 

This is something that I wish I could bring back to Seoul and put it right in front of my home^^

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