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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Freya's Rendition of 'Weird'-NEss

Now matter how hard I tried to seduce her to make 'pretty'face for the camera, it did NOT work. Never, usually. 
She knows her own style of 'posing' in front of the camera.
She just does not want to be in the same pose as she did, she does. She knows what she wants.

Or...she's so stubbornly resisting whatever I ask her to.
NEver Knows, but that might be the case. 
I clicked and clicked the button and still she never wanted to make 'pretty' faces that I hoped she would have.
Oh, well... 
Sometimes I wonder where she learned all of these expressions.
I bet she never saw any zombie-movie of that kind of stuffs...but, oh well..
she just stuck her tongue out and lifted her arms mimicking zombie sounds...
and then..a minute later..she was just plainly making a rather-sad-looking face.
or at least..she's trying to. 
or acted out as if she's surprised at something.
BUT, honey....
it turned out that you're cute and funny when you did all of those 'weirdness':)
Thank you for making your Daddy smile. 

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