안녕하세요?...Welcome to Suray's World & Beyond

where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Silaturahmi dari Jauh

Yep, finally, Adi made it to Korea. Adi, my colleague from the office back home..along with his boss, Mr. Hotma, visited our home last week. They're on one-week trip to Seoul. Between their tight schedule, I sort of forced them to visit our home to have a dinner. So, we did.  *Freya was playing a memory-game with Mr Hotma (chuckles)
Adi was enjoying his snack while chatting with Eyra...whom he taught Korean 3 years ago priour our departure to Korea.
Ohhhh...BENG-BENG..out favorite chocolate wafer from home. Our sister-in-law, Tante Yuni, wrapped almost 100 beng-beng chocolates for us.
Oh, there is a new flavor called Hazelnut beng-beng.* Thank you, Tante Yuni. 
What's not to miss when we had a visitor was...'taking a family portrait together'
This time, along with mr. Hotma and Adi. 
This is to celebrate the first meeting with Adi after...wait...three months") yes..we actually met in Jogja when we went home for a winter vacation last January.
So, reuniting again although for a short time...(only that..wer're doing it in Seoul) was like a dream came true. For Adi, he seemed to enjoy his visit to Seoul this time.

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