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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lantern Festival & Parade @ downtown Seoul

I think elephant-shaped lanterns had become a trademark for the night. Some of them were there to show off their huge+humongous postures! 'Tis a good thing that they were good to look at.

If I'm not mistaken, these were the Shio lantern. I was about to take the whole pictures of each Shio as one passed me by.....alas...the battery of my phone ran out just in time when these lanterns were passing me by.

And..what's that supposed to be? A clock or somethin'? Not quite sure what that was.

This one, however, I did know. A blossoming lotus-lantern with a baby Buddha inside it, to symbolically represent the Buddha's Birthday. (correct me, should I be wrong about it).

the lantern was carried by some people so as to make it move around easily. 

The one I thought to be a clock or something..turned out to be.....*sigh* 
I still could not figure out what that was...

..but that did not dampen our spirit to keep on looking and watching the spectacle.

a rooster? an eagle? Still could not make this out, either. At least, the dazzling lights on the float made it worth-while to be in the very place like this.

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