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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Korea-Japan Cultural Show

Heoreum Theater at The National Theater of Korea. It was a bit windy and cold evening. But, we were so excited to be there since we were about to see the Cultural fusion between Korea and Japan.
In front of the lobby during the intermission.
 My Friend from India, Kumar, has got the best seat in the middle. 
We ll, during the preparation we could just take pictures of ourselves. 
But...too bad..we were not allowed to take any pictures during the show.
May 16, 2012. 

국립극장에서 봤던 한일문화교류 연작시리즈 첫 번째가 정말 흥미진진했다. 아주 멋있었다. 한국 전통무용은 물론 있었죠.^^ 한국 발레와 일본 발레까지 직접 볼 수 있어서 정말 기뻤다. 더 이상...
.더욱 재미있는 건 없는 줄 알았는데 내가 틀렸었다. 
It was such a thrilling show. VEry Veery creative. Of course, apart from being able to see the Korean traditional musical dances,  we could also see the Korean ballet.
한국 전통군무 주로....복의 대합주 (?)란 공연이 참 눈의 보양이었다. 
그런 표현이 있는데 귀(?)의 보양 같은 표현이 있을 까? ^^ 크고 작은 북들은 한자리에 모아, 각각의 북들의 소리의 높낮이 및 크기의 차이를 느낄 수 있어서 와......신났다. ^^
It was really a feast to the eyes and ears. I was impressed by the percussion show which showed all kinds of percussion from small tiny parts until the huge ones for us to be able to differentiate the sound in such a rewarding way.

What a great night indeed that was. 
제1부 공연이 흥미로운 여행처럼 그렸다. 제2부 공연은 제1부의 아름다움을 뛰어넘을 수 있을까라고 기대했는데....it just DID. 한국을 대표하는 피아니스트 이루마 씨는 'WOW'한 + 끝없는 뮤직을 보여주었다. 
The first part was like a time travel to the past. The 2nd part was more like a jump into the beauty of contemporary world. Korea's renowned pianist Iruma just wowed us.
Then...I was also flabbergasted by the 조화로운 뮤지컬 퓨전 (fusion) between 사물놀이 (주로 장고+꽹과리)와 일본에서 온 샹샹타이푼 밴드.  간단히 말하면 표현할 수 없는 공연이었다. 
Thanks to 국가브랜드위원회 for providing us with an insightful program like this.^^
After the show, of course...as usual, we took pictures with some of the members who preferred to stay a bit longer. 

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