What's the fuzz about it? I mean..I knew this street-side vendor even when I was back in my junior high year. So..it was more than 20 years ago...but boy..the atmosphere and the way they prepare the fried rice does not change a bit.
They're still using a wooden charcoal instead of gas or any electric appliances to prepare the food. Yes, we went to Mbah Man or Bu Pur's nasi goreng.
It's located at Jalan Stasiun ..which means Station street where the city main railway station is located. This nasi goreng vendor seems to be 'preserved' in time.
As soon as I stepped to take a seat, I could smell the used-to-be so familiar smell and flavor..and atmosphere...
One cook with 3 assistants. The main cook (the owner) prepares all ingredients while his assistants stir, fry, and garnish the fried rice before being presented in its simple presentation.
It just look plainly simple without any additional servings. Wait...some cucumber pickles do 'ignite' the flavor. Even the rice and all of other ingredients seem to be perfectly mixed and blended into one famous Nasi Goreng Kediri.
Apa pun makannya, minumnya Teh Botol Sosro. Yes...Sosro Tea is an indispensable beverage that accompanies most Indonesian ( not all ) in enjoying the food.
My Mom and her grandchildren....that means..my daughters....were enjoying their food.
*the downside: we got to wait for almost 45 minutes before even granted with what we've been missing^^
Alhamdulillah..we could taste what the fuzz bout nasi goreng.