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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Friday, July 31, 2015

AKhirnya Nonton.di Sphere X jg: More Real than Real

Setelah bbrp minggu lalu menjajal IMAX terbesar se-Korea di Cheonho CGV CultureCultureplex, hari ini kusempatkan merasakan sensasi baru di teater Sphere X pertama di Korea. Hmm...apa bener...more real than real???
hmm....terus terang sy tetep suka IMAX...frankly speaking. But....utk menjajal jualan terbaru dr CGV....Lumayanlah utk menikmati aksi tegang penuh intrik dlm.film Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. So...apa yg berbeda dari SphereX ini.adalah layarnya yang melengkung menjorok ke arah penonton jadi seakan-akan mau memayungi bagian depan...istilah kerennya sih CURVED screen😅😆
*ok...as usual...gak....afdol jika tdk bikin memori dg phototicket!! Hanya dg 1.000 won sdh bs cetak tiket kenangan dg foto apa pun.
ok back to SphereX. Teater ini bisa menampung 224 orang dan inilah jualan CGV 천호 Cheonho ini. Yup...the first one in Korea.
..en....kuambil dr foto di internet. Yup.spt inilah dlmnya. Maunya memotret..wah sy gak sempat...krn telat masuk...sdh gelap.
인증샷, atau bukti brsn jajal layar immersive yang bisa membuat mata terkekang ke layar melengkung.
oya....tapi bukanlah layarnya yg bikin sy senang, I loveeeed the sound system inside the SphereX. ...I didn't know why..but it's more real than what I ecpected. As for the screen....well..maybe because I may have chosen the wrong row. ...I was sitting at K row!!!
I guess...the next time I watch movies...at SphereX....maybe the upcoming Fantastic 4
..I guess I'll take row D or E...so I could feel the CURVED SCREEN of Sphere X
Price-wise......it is 12.000 won or around 140.000 rupiah....which is....surely Less expensive than IMAX, of course. 
But today...since I used my CGV Point...I paid only 4,600 won..or about 50,000 rupiah....a real deal for first-time experience at SphereX.
my verdict: buat org org yg pengen menjajal....boleh coba. Tp kog rasa-rasanya tdk seperti IMAX yg bikin ketagihan terutama utk nonton film megah. Sekali dua kali cukuplah di SphereX. Tp...di.IMAX....wow...berkali-kali pun tdk...cepat bosan. *just saying.

Minions and Mumu

Akhirnya Minions datang jg ke Korea stlh telat 2 bln drpd Indonesia.
Anak anak nonton bareng dgn tmn tmnnya....berempat. eh...bknnya foto sama Minions...malah sama Mumu.
Nggak biasanya kita nonton di Lotte Cinema...
selain jauh...ku jg bkn anggotanya. But...overall ok ok jg.
kubawakan cake yg dibelikan Tante Seonhee utk ultahnya Freya.
Freya seneng2 sj....
diganyang bareng...diserbu rame-rame....
yup....nonton bersama keluarga Pak Agus....
...sengaja pagi sblm jam 12 agar murah....yaitu 6.000 won per orang ...dewasa anak2 disamaratakan.
untung sdh sempet motret.
*brief review: it's funny since there are lots...lots of historical easter eggs and storylines every other minutes....which cracked me UP.

Makan Malam Lagi

Kamis mlm...sering banget....mkn mlm di luar sama pak Yang. Kali ini bersama dg rekan kami dg anak-anaknya....dan sementara itu....hanya Eyra yg kuajak.
untung ada tante Seonhee yg selalu menemani.....yg penting.....semua pembicaraan done over dinner. ...ronde pertama kelar!....kedua....pun dimulai...
Mana lg selain di cafe. Coffee Beans jd pilihan terdekat....dan selain cheese cake....maka chocolate mint latte. .jd pilihanku....yg freshly served cold pastinya.

At the Studio

tiba tiba kudengar suara DJ Angga lg di studio.
oh....dia sdg rekaman.acara trademarknya...
dgn olahan mixer dr PD Hong....sy jg penasaran dg hasil.akhirnya
ok...welcome back DJ Angga walau hanya insidentil.

DAEBANG station

a look.from.the upper  platform of Daebang station on a hot scorching summer afternoon.
I was going back home from work...and since it's so hot...I couldn't just walk....but instead ...took a taxi from the office straight to this station just to save time...and energy.
*ini foto iseng krn kepanasan...not knowing what to do while waiting for the train to arrive.


I didn't know...was it just me who thought of this cloud formation as beautiful.^^
As I posted it on my Instagram....some commented it as being scary....dreadful....fearsome....
but that's completely different from wjat I thought the first time I.saw it. It's simply stunning and stellar^^
*waiting at the intersection of Hoegi station. Summer afternoon....July 2015.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Highlights of the Day

bruscetta buatN Mama. Enak bgt.
A box of chocolates hadiah dr om Diko.
Nganterin Eyra ke sekolah...en Freya ikut. Pake baju baru...hujaan.
ultahnya Freya di atas kincir angin dan Suncruise.
hmmm...dolsotbab. pengeeen.
sunset di Han river.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Highlights of Summer Trip to Gangwon-do

Mostly shot @Ocean World
Indoor and Outdoor Fun
at a Pension we stayed in
...been fun, indeed.hey...the summer's not finished. ..just as yet.

Freya's Birthday Highlights

생일축하해, 프레야

Halal bi Halal & Freya's Birthday

Freya, Eyra, Keifa, Kayla: the four musketeers....모였다.
Dingdong....the bell rang...mbak.Dian and her family came.
We're celebrating Eid al Fitr or Lebaran as we Indonesians call it. Since it's still in the season's festivity...we might as well.invited some of our colleagues and friends along.
Alhamdulillah....we're having a great time though we had to squeeze ourselves in^^
Sekalian halal bi halal^^
..but...July 25 was also Freya's birthday so we had a small party to celebrate the day.
생일축하해, 프레야^^
In Indonesia you're 7...but here in Korea you're already 8 years old.^^
birthday cake provided by Yang Subin eonni....
became the kids's center of attention 
they sliced the cake into small.pieces
let the party began.
Subin eonni has become a part of our extended Indonesian families.^^
...Freya...remember this always, Dear.
Freya and her friends along with Subin eonni...
keluarga besar RT Wolgok-dong^^or Subway jalur 6!!!^^
Since most of us live along the subway line 6...where we got our name from.
First group picture on Freya's Birthday and Syawalan dinner.
And...the 2nd round...Alhamdulillah the party went smoothly.
bye bye Eonni...thanks for coming.
me and my colleague mas Zico along with my students...Diko and Syarief....

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