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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Royal Tomb of Joseon Dynasty (part 7)

Now..after I visited the 중종대황릉 (the tomb of King Jungjong), I got to walk for about one kilometer up the hills towards another royal tomb, i.e. the tomb of 성종대왕 (King Seongjong) 
Okay..let's start the tour. As I was walking through the alley, I bumped into the birds....that happened to be about to fly...and just they were about to...I snapped my camera...and I could see the flutter of their wings...
and oh..the sun rays that shone through it....
what a sight.
Trivial as it may seem, for me...it's a masterpiece of my own.:-) ^-^ 
because that's how I always enjoy the beauty of life.
phew...gosh..should I go up these trails? 
no other way around, Suray. You got to. 
The trails seemed to be left naturally like this without any tiles or rocks. This was just perfect! 
Oh, I noticed that each tree had its name plated on it. And what's more is that...most of the trees along the trails were covered in black wrapping plastic...so as to keep them from being vandalized. ^^ ok, I agree to that. Only that I thought...it was for the protection against the winter season. 
Oh..another magpie(?) that I spotted on my way to the other place.... 
Phew..finally...the descending trails were visible. 
and...da..da...I arrived safely at Seolleung (선릉) or the Royal tomb of King Seongjong.
He's the 9th ruler of Joseon Dynasty (1457 - 1494).

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