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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadan: Explain It To Me

No food, no drink, no sex from sun up to sun down. and..that's pretty much what it's like during daylight hours of Ramadan....at least that is how CNN's Dan Gilgoff explains it. So, this is just a transcript of the video uploaded on CNN website. Hope it says pretty much what he says.

No food, no drink, no sex from sun up to sun down from an entire month. Ramadan is an Islamic month of Fasting. It is meant to be a month of reflection, prayer, and charity; detachment from worldly affairs; a month of purification. (And) it's one of the five pillars or duties of Islam. Ramadan is believed to be a month during which Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) started receiving er .. the divine revelation--the Koran, the Moslem's holy book from God or Allah. And, so..the most holy night during Ramadan of the entire entire Islamic year which is called the Night of Power..and that's the night which is believed  that Allah did start to reveal the text of Koran to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in the year 610.

All observant Moslems are expected to observe the fasting for the month of Ramadan ..so that the only ones who are really exempt: the children who haven't yet reached the age of puberty or those who are mentally disabled or chronically ill or who are too frail to fast. Now, if you can't fast, you're supposed to give compensation for every day that you miss..and that's often done in a formal charitable donation.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and the Islamic calendar operates according to the lunar cycle or cycle of the moon. And so every year Ramadan moves up round eleven days earlier than the  previous year. It is supposed to begin with the sighting of the first new moon of that cycle. And every year there're debates about when that first new moon becomes visible so that  various countries believed that they see the first new moon on various days and Ramadan will begin on different days in different country.

The fast is broken each night er with what's called iftar meal and a meal that's off time communal banquet style meal that is eaten in a Mosque. The fast each night is often broken with dates which is believed to dated with the time of Mohammed. Every year during Ramadan the international sale dates just skyrockets. The month of Ramadan ends with a Holiday called  Eid ul Fitr or simply often simply referred to just  Eid  and it is the start of the next lunar month after Ramadan and it is the break the fast holiday... that's marked by a lot celebrations, feasting with friends and familes, a lot of mosques hold carnivals a couple days after Ramadan ends.

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