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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Compilation of Sites to 'Peep' into what's Buzzing in these 5 Countries!

SmaCK, BoOm, CruSh, SlAm, BaNg!!!
Below are 5 sites worth-reading on a daily basis to know what's going on in China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and Russia even if we do not even speak the languages of these countries.
The administrators of these sites are kind enough to translate what the netizens in these 5 countries are talking about on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. As long as there are 'buzz and fuzz' going on in these countries, these sites surely translate them into English for others (international netizens) to know and learn about.
If they are talking about it, so are we.
This is the pilot and the pioneer of them all: ChinaSMACK.
Wanna know something about China and what the Chinese are talking and fuzzing about on the internet? Go and find out about China now via this site. 
What about Indonesia? I find it interesting. I find it helpful for me to understand how other netizens from around the world react and comment on the issues on Indonesia.  More often than not, I find it more interesting to see the comments themselves.^^ 
Where? IndoBOOM.
Then comes Japan. Great appealing stories (which sometimes ....are only found in Japan) make it worth-it to check this site, too.
Go amaze yourself. JapanCRUSH.
Then, off we go to the one of the vast countries in the world: Russia. This is pretty something. I find it helpful to at least learn what's the buzz words and stories circling around Russia via this site. 
Wanna know more about Russia? Check this out.  
Now, last but not least is KoreaBANG.
Since I live in Korea, of course I've been exposed to the news myself. But, it turns out that seeing Korea through this website also kind of help me understand what international netizens are thinking about Korea.
So, here it goes: KoreaBANG.

* So, there you go. 
If you got time, go check these sites to find out what the Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Russian, and Korean are talking about on the net.
And these sites are surely taking international readers a new way to see what's going ON in these five countries.

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