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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Exploring China Town: (part 9)

What would be going to a place without sampling one of the delicacies? So..as soon as we stepped into the main street, we could not but listen the shouting and chanting of street vendors of these delicacies.  
They repeatedly shouted the names of delicacies and asking the passers by to try tasting them. Well...how could we resist it? 
The 공갈빵 (gonggalppang) or hole bread ..yes that's what it literally means...is a specialty that people could try to taste. It's a bread so famous that even Ahn Cheol Soo's (the former candidate of Korean President in the previous election) picture was posted to lure customers....^^ 
And we did sample it.^^
Okay..it tasted "Oh..this is gonggalppang". 
See the whole view of gonggalppang there? But..instead of buying this hole bread, we bought 화덕만두 or hwadeok mandu.. 'dumpling' filled with peanuts, read bean, ground sesame, and other ingredients....which turned out to be okay-I-should-have-bought-more kind of dumplings. ^^

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