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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wolmido 'Wolmi Island' (part 1)

After taking hours of exploring China Town, we continued our journey in Incheon by visiting Wolmido where a colorful amusement park located. It took us only 10 minutes by bus (number 2) from China Town to Wolmido. Let's start the journey... 
See the colorful array of its rides? Empty? Yes...in this picture...but not for long... 
I love the bright colors of the day portrayed in this picture... 
And..wow...this is awesome.
Just what a colorful life it showed us. 
Simply loved it. We kinda forgot that it was hot during the day.=-} 
Another shoot of the park...in fact this is only a tiny fraction of the vast amusement park. 
Let me zoom it so as to give us a full rendition of what it looked like.
The Viking, the tornado, ..and other crazy-but-fun rides were there. 
I tried to see it through different perspective.... 
The natural color of the park. 
But..too bad..I did not take any of these...=-} 
People were more enthusiastic in watching others taking the rides than 'being'in one.^^
That's the fun part of it. 
See the tiny dot up there? That's someone or two persons being shot into the air in the Sling Shot!!! They said it was the first Sling Shot in the country.

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