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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Exploring China Town: Wait...., is this Japan Town????

As we ventured out of the Freedom Park and walked down the hill, we ended up in a wait-what-is-this-???-kind of question. Instead of finding the China Town, we encountered this thoroughfare of Japanese-style buildings. Not even one dot of red color in it. Is this Japan Town??? 

Yet..we were still sure that we 'were' in the vicinity of China Town. So, it did intrigued us by exploring more of it. The shops' names were surely in Korean. Not even a single Japanese alphabet was visible. Not like those in China Town where Chinese characters characterized the town. Still..we were encapsulated by this notion to explore more.... 
until we found more and more Japanese-style or made-into-Japanese-style or Japan-ified buildings. Guess...I need to look into more of these as to why they were made so. It may have something to do with the Japanese annexation of Korea back at the onset of 1910s.  
Eyra and Freya could not understand what I was baffling about since they were enjoying every corner we went to. They seemed to be undisturbed by the striking difference of what we'd just experienced in the 'China Town' and what we then saw in 'Japan Town' (Although I am not sure as to whether refer it to as one).^-^ 
But..again and again..I was petrified to find out that the striking resemblance of these buildings to those of Japan architectural traits. 
In fact, we did find it absorbingly captivating.
Simply loved it. 

Moreover, not many people were around this area. I guess there were only a bunch of tourists who also wondered where they were.  
I myself wouldn't have been this surprised had I equipped myself with enough prior-knowledge of the area. Funny..that the last time I was in China Town..I did not know anything about it.  
That's one of the reason as to why I explored the intricate styles of the buildings that dotted the thoroughfare of Japanese-style designs. 
Oh..one more thing..we were like walking inside the huge film studio made out of card boxes ready to be assembled and reassembled...
Yes..that's pretty much what I felt.
so..were we still in China Town or in Japan Town???^-^

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