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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Worth-Knowing Trivial Fact about an Entrance of Subway Station (near where I live)

Taereung Station is one of the two subway stations which I can use to go somewhere by subway. Since it's been always busy and hectic, I never..well almost never take notice of what the exit may look like. People may not take notice of it either. (Or they do..and it's just me who don't). Well..okay...the other day I happened to walk sloooooowwwly and took my time to enjoy what it actually had to offer. 
First..I did not realize that there was this 'small' made-up garden right next to the fly-over above it. Well..of course I knew it..but never paid attention much compared to what I did this time. And..the unique thing about it was that it was located next to ...a fly over. People could just consider it as nothing special.....and could just pass it by without making a fuss about it. Of course some people do know its existence...but how come that I felt like I just realized it. 
I may be too oblivious. 
Okay..there is one more thing that I want to point out...there is a 포장마자 (pojangmaja) or a street vendor that sells 'street-style fast food'. I find it interesting because it reminds me of Indonesia's style 'warung pinggir jalan' that sells similar food. But, the thing is...it's about 9.15 a.m. and I noticed that this particular pojangmaja opened already. hmm..interesting. 
It just rained so the air was fairly fresh and I loved it.
Oh, there was also a public gym or fitness equipment near this area..but I didn't take a pic of it. For anyone who knows or who's been to Korea, this kind of facility is a usual sight in most parks across the country. 
*that's pretty much about it....and that wraps up my entry about it.

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