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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Halal Restaurants @ Itaewon

Itaewon: dubbed as the multicultural space where international restaurants are scattered around the neighborhood to cater the need of both Koreans and expatriates residing in Korea...or even tourists visiting Korea. 
It's nothing sort of spectacular or anything. I pass this neighborhood once a week at least...so..the sight and sound or the mere existence of halal restaurants to suit the need of Muslims in Korea...are out of my curiosity since they look as a natural thing to be. Well, halal restaurants near the Masjid...what's so unique about that? 
But then..when it comes to considering that this happens in Korea, one should remember one thing..that it used to be like 'finding a needle in a haystack' to find any halal restaurant. So..the flourishing business of halal restaurants in Itaewon should be deemed as a progress in motion for Muslim community in Korea. 
Next to Western chain food or vis a vis other global brands, the existence of halal restaurants specializing in Muslim-friendly food is a good way to acknowledge the fact that Korea has indeed embraced Muslim culture.*
*Though I got to admit that this should spread in other areas as well (not exclusively in Itaewon area).

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