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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Namhansanseong (Namhan Mountain Fortress): Part 4

On the right side of this trail, there was a section called 통일기원탑 'Tower of Prayer for Unification' Since there was no one to asked to, I could not make out the meaning of all these stone towers. Does this Unification refer to South-North Korea Unification? But, one could easily jump to a conclusion that it must be that--considering that it is Korea. 
Some of the stone towers or tab. 
Another section full of 소원탑 or wishing tower. 
Oh, there was one yellow bird caught on my camera!!! 
Now, the bird's gone! 

One of the temples I encountered on my way to the top. 
A different angle of the temple. 
One thing that I would not expect to find is a gymnasium! Yes, with a monthly membership payment, one can be the member of this 체육관 (chaeyukgwan) or gymnasium. Of course, it's a simple one. While exercising, one needs no air conditioner: different from any air-conditioned gymnasium in the cities.  
And..finally I saw walls of stones up front. The trails were getting higher and ...well, I got to make it. Got to reach the top to see what's in it that people were trying to see.

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