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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Revisiting Itaewon (part 1)

I already wrote about Itaewon a couple of times, so if someone asks as to why I post an entry about it again? I would gladly say that I happened to take new pics and new pics deserve a new story to tell.
The facade of this Seoul Central Masjid is the same as I first laid my eyes on this Masjid years ago. But, things are going to change. A blueprint for a massive renovation of this Masjid is ON. And the project is hoped to be started in due time... 
As soon as we stepped out of the Masjid area, we'd be greeted by shops and restaurants with halal label or sign on their signage or billboard. Other common sight we may encounter is the increasing number of women wearing veil/hijab/jilbab walking passing by the Itaewon area, especially near the Masjid. 
Well..either they are foreigners who reside in Korea or tourists, they are Muslim who re more than willingly to come to Korea on a booked group or private tour. 
See what I mean? I think this kind of sight is getting more common in Korea.
With this hope in mind, I just hope that they can associate themselves with Korean life..and on the other hand..I do hope that Koreans would be more than willing to proactively embrace the sights and the existence of veil/hijab/jilbab wearing women.

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