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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Itaewon Revisited (part 2)

'Apa Kabar'? Yes..it's Indonesian's way of saying greeting. In fact, it is one of the so many sidewalk's greetings in Itaewon. One could just simply tag along the sidewalk along the famous Itaewon street to find different arrays of greetings from numerous countries. 
This one is 'konichiwa',that of Japan. Okay..let's start with this one and go.... 
wait..wait..wait...are you sure you wanna do this? It'll take time and you might end up strenuously strain your ankle. ^^
Ok...let me start with the fact that this is what it may look like if you want to follow along the street of Itaewon.
Street vendors (I bet they are legally bound) vis a vis the modern-posh looking shops. 
Oh..it's Russian greeting.  
And this one's from Slovakia. 
Uzbekistan. Yeaah...and please find the others: go and explore Itaewon.
But..let me get it straight: as to why the government put so much effort to do this? I got no other rationale but to think that Seoul must've considered Itaewon to be one of the indispensable locations where tourists and international community 'flock' and 'gather' around. And..this kind of act is a symbol of unity that (may) trigger a sense of understanding/acknowledging the existence of the 'others'. 
Now let me take you to the 'behind the street of Itaewon main street'. Just go bring yourself to the back of the shops by ducking into the alley. And you'll see this.
Don't get alarmed. It's jammed, alright. But..boy..oh..boy ..you'll never know what you'll end up discovering. See the 'Sultan'? It turned out to be a 'karaoke' bar or whatever it is.  
At broad daylight it may not look so cool..but once again...'boy oh boy' Itaewon is starkly illuminated at night.
It's "that-kind-of-party atmosphere" that you desperately wanna get yourself into.
(or maybe...*, oh well...)

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