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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Exploring China Town: (Part 10)

This is the last entry (for the mean time:-) of our trip to China Town. This stairs led us to the Freedom Park (see my other entries about it). 
Blue Sky combined with a bright day in the midst of stifling hot summer afternoon seemed to be a perfect formula to enjoy China Town. 
The contrasting color and the different facades of buildings we rarely see back in Seoul are some of the reasons as to why we loved taking a stroll along this town. 
The house number @ one of the streets in China Town.
I like the efforts put into this plate. Yes..each house/building has one of these posted on their gate or walls. 
We would not be lost so long as we got the map with us. Or..just remember where to begin with as we ventured into the China Town. Or just remember the shape and color of the building since most of the characters are written in Chinese.^^ Sure..the names of the streets are in Hangeul, though. But, still... 
Eyra was buying ice cream.... 
This is a name plate posted on the street waste/garbage pot.^^ 
Not sure what that was but...it just looked cool that I simply clicked my camera. 
Bye-Bye China Town. Now we were going to Wolmido and we would take a 90-minute cruise ship which many cited as one of the must-do lists in Incheon.

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