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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Namhansanseong (Namhan Mountain Fortress): Part 2

Once we arrived at the entrance, we'd surely find this banner indicating that we arrive at the right place. I was relieved to know this. I thought I would never find it.
It is said that this area is considered as World's Heritage. I guess...I got to find out by myself as to why it is considered so.  
'Nature, History, and Culture that breathe'
First, it's nothing spectacular at the entrance. Th walkway was a flat lane leading up to the mountain. It was about 3pm and I was just about to start my climbing..(if I really wanted to, because I really did not know what the mountain had in store for a first timer like me). 
As I kept on wondering as to whether I should go on hiking...the sight of a stream flowing down right on the right-side of the lane...changed my mind. 
Yes, if the very bottom of the mountain itself boasted a refreshing creek like this one...I could imagine what the peak would offer...(hope I was right). 
So..the sound of the water in the midst of summer was enough to change my mind and got me on my feet to go up and up..
I saw people took off their shoes and then went into the creek and sat on the stones....spending time, talking, eating......well... 
The benches, the walking trails, and other facilities were there for anyone to enjoy. But, I did not have time to sit spending time or even admiring the view..coz I got to keep on hiking... 
Still at the same spot. It turned out that I did not want to 'break myself away' from the very first spot where I sat down. 
Up away a bit...there was a bare-foot walking trail. Well, it can be found in some other city parks around Seoul, but this one was right on the trail to the mountain at Namhansanseong. 
They're man-made, of course.^^ So, I got to go up again...

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