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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Daily Routine: Taking the Kids to School (Again....^^)

Friday, July 5, 2013. Another free time for a Daddy to take their kids to school. I love summer time....though I got to admit I hate the humidity and the stuffiness:) 
But...taking the kids to school in the morning is a kind of escapism in itself. 
Eyra just got out of the bus, and I got a snapshot of her walking towards the school. She's walking up the alley leading to her school.
Then....it's time for me to take Freya to her kindergarten. It takes another 10 more minutes to walk after we get off the bus. She loves going to school: which is a huge relief and an achievement in itself. ^-^ 
It's amazing how she can easily adapt herself and cope with the surroundings. First thing first...she spoke not a single Korean word when she came here a year ago..and now..she's like...bilingual ..not trilingual...without her realizing it. 
*okay, girls..have a great time always.
Go Play & Have Fun.

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