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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Strolling Along the Youido Park in the Blistering Heat of Summer

Yes..that's crazy. Just got back from IFC after a quick-browsing for souvenirs (again). Got some. And..I was thinking of taking a bus to KBS. But then I changed my mind. Instead, I decided to take a walk through the park. 
It's around 12 and I am sure that people were having their lunch by that time. That's why it's kind of deserted. Wait for another 45 minutes and these paths would be jammed packed with white/blue collars who felt the need to 'burn' down the energy (read: carbohydrate and fat) they just consumed.^^ (by walking, of course).
What a great day it was. OK, it was hot. It indeed was. But, the canopy ..I mean..the shades of the trees kind of spared me from being directly exposed to the prickling heat and humidity of the summer. 
Found a bag of Uniqlo deserted on one of the bench.
No one's around, but me...taking a pic out of it.
Well, of course..it's mine(d).
*Up to 50% Sale was a hard-to-resist offer.

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