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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wolmido (Part 7): Riding on a Mercedes Benz ^-^

It was indeed a Mercedes Benz. There were other luxury cars for the kids to enjoy. This remote-controlled car is for rent at Wolmido. Kids surely wanted to try on one of these. 
As for Eyra, it seemed to 'small' for her but ...as usual..she kept on insisting that she would be fit into it. And she was right. 
But..comparing the scale of the mini car and its surrounding, we can see clearly how small the car is. Once again...the monorail that dotted the landscape said something like: "Visit us again, someday". 
Mama...with their kids. 
They seemed to have their own world of imagination. 
"I love it!!"
Now let me get this straight: I wanted to try it on. But come on..I wouldn't fit into it. So..let's just take a picture with Daddy, too.

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