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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Monday, July 8, 2013

On Board the Venus Cruise

What exactly were we looking at? Sea? Not just the sea. Mostly we were drawn by the squeaking(?) sound of flying seagulls as seen on the following picture... 
They'd been following and circling the cruise as we started the journey and they kept doing this until we docked again at Wolmido. I am pretty sure that they did so since passengers kept on feeding them...^^ 
As for us, we ran out of snacks to throw at them..so we just watched them circling around the ship. The breeze was cool enough for us to sit and relax.
Freya & Eyra must have wished they'd still had some crumbs of bread or anything to feed the birds they started to like since the trip to Wolmido. 
We're leaving away from the Incheon Grand Bridge we'd just passing through. And the sun started to set....well..yes..a few minutes away from sunset. 
The silhouette of 'A Daddy and his Daughter' on board the cruise ship.
At about 7.30 pm we're disembarking from the ship and we're ready to return to Seoul.
It's been such a wonderful time we had in Incheon.
Memorable moment to cherish and appreciate.

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