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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Iftar/Buka Puasa Bareng at Home (part one: the food)

It's Friday and the day we planned on having a fast-breaking together had finally arrived. We invited seven Indonesian families and single students (^-^) who live along the line 6 subway^^. Yes, we are the line 6 families. Since our kitchen was not big...we squeezed ourselves to fit into the kitchen while preparing for the food. 
Even we made some food on the floor since there were no other tables around.
Chopping the veggies and other ingredients..... 
But although we could call it a make-shift kitchen...we managed to make several kinds of food for all of us to enjoy. 
Spaghetti (with Indonesian sauce^^), veggie-filled tofu, yellow rice, urap (coconut milk-ed salad, seasoned steamed tofu, egg rolls, potato sambal.... 
oh...some fried veggie rolls and shredded cheese, too. 
It's all now..gone. Just pictures....
We enjoyed all of them. 
But....I haven't mentioned one thing: some chopped and shredded beef were also mixed into some of these food....and that's not my kind of food.
*being a vegetarian.....* totally...

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