?...Welcome to Suray's World & Beyond

where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Then.. it's Eyra's turn...

After Freya got a fever, a few days later...her sister was the one who got one. 
Now...her sister did take care of her.
Eyra was shivering and her temperature shot up to 39 degrees Celsius. 
But amazingly she kept on smiling and she was just acting normally.
I did not know why. I suspected that she was a bit traumatized of being hospitalized for 2 weeks last year. 
See? I was so glad and relieved that even though she got fever, she's still happy as she could be. Yes...we taught them to always have 'happy thought' 'happy thought' 'happy thought' and 'keep smiling' kind-of-attitude.
and..it seems to just work fine. 
*of course, alhamdulillah she's fine, now.
'Have a blissful summer break, kiddos!!"

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