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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wolmido (Part 6): A Ride on Mercedes Benz

5,000 Won/20 minutes.
One Mercedes Benz was enough to satisfy their curiosity. 
"This is how it works, Sis" 
'You work on the remote control while I drive, Okay?"
They took turn to operate the mini car.^-:) 
Eyra seemed to be too big to take on this bid of riding a car, even when it was a Mercedes Benz.^^ 

"Sis, come on..it's my turn" 
"Why don't we ride it together?" Eyra sulkily offered an idea. 
"Nope, you go ahead riding on it, Sis.' I'd better watch something else. 
But..since nothing else did matter, Freya took the steering wheel and got ready to take the car for herself. 
"Make it quick, Freya. We need to board the cruise ship pretty soon."

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