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Friday, July 5, 2013

Bicycle Locker

Yep...you read it right. At first..I thought it was just another cabinet or any other lockers. It is not. It's a specially designed locker for bikes. Yes..anyone who comes and goes back and forth the subway and having to lock or store the bikes..they no longer need a long overdue locker coz this particular locker is a kind of modern-day bike lockers.
Just look at the boxes attached in between. 
There are instructions on how to operate or use the bicycle locker like this one. I tried to take a closer look at this but I refrained to.  
This locker room is at Hwarangdae station. I bet there are a bunch others like this one in any other subway station.
On weekends, lot of people are using their bikes to explore the city and I think this bicycle locker is deemed to have a great and multiple uses for the purpose of having fun.

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