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Friday, July 5, 2013

Never Take Off The Mask!!!!

Watched the premiere of Lone Ranger at CGV Yongsan. The early bird caught the bonus. Yep..I paid only 5,000 Won for the morning screening of Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer's duo action-flick that brought back my childhood memories of seeing the Lone Ranger on TV back then in the 1980s when it was aired back then.
The fact that the critics slammed this movie...I could not say anything bad about this western flick. In fact..although it is a bit drawn out...I could easily say that I did enjoy it pretty much. There were few laughs during which...that could not help me from not to. Although I also got to confess that there were moments of 'gore' a bit....^^ (Gore Verbinski).^^ Thanks for bringing this legend come alive again. 
I love the chemistry between Depp's Tonto and Hammer's Lone Ranger a.k.a. Reid. They really captured the imaginative adaptation of what the West must've/might've been like back then.
The historical background (though I do not know anything about America in the 1800s) is sufficient enough for a commoner like me..to help me visualize the Indian-American (early settlers) relation. A bitter and tragic part of American history.
See..? I love the movie that it even helped me cope with something that used to be non-existent in my vocabulary.^^
Thanks..Lone Ranger. 
Gosh..the hilarious Tonto and his dead crow perched on the top of his head...kept me giggling..especially whenever I saw Tonto never ceased to keep feeding this 'dead' bird.
As for Reid, it was such an eye-candy to see him transform from a lawman into an outlaw  who worked for 'justice' he finally realized what it meant all along.
**** out of 5 stars.
Do I wanna see it again? YOU BET.
I love the action, the gags, the humor, the scenery, the effects, and the 'mannerism' that Tonto (Depp) once again shows through this 'POTC' in the dessert.

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