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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Namhansanseong (Namhan Mountain Fortress): part 3

Namhan Mountain is full of temples. Temples after after temples' names were posted on the directions at some parts of the trails on my up there. The biggest one is Yaksasa. Hmm...it sounds like 'Raksasa' (giant), in Indonesian.  
Another characteristic of the trails along the way to the top was the scattered 소원답 (sowontab) or wishing tower like these ones.  
One would surely see these wishing towers everywhere.  
When you eat, think about your health. When you throw away (the trash), think about environment. That's the message of this banner for all the hikers! 
People protect environment, environment protects people. 
(Should we put the word 'IF' in front of the sentence?) 
The picture does not do any justice to the real beauty of this spot.
See the red spot there? Someone was sitting on a rock by the creek. 
It looks small, but it was actually not. Once again, I set my camera on purpose to make the nature look like a miniature. 
Moss-covered tree like this was one of things that I treasured the most. I think this is the real proof that they are....intact and well-protected. 
(I am not sure whether this is true or not) 
See the street-lamp? Yes, all the way up the mountain, there were street lamps. Street lamp seems to be out of place and an incorrect term to address it. I'd rather call it 'trail lamp'. 
* Let's go on...hiking...

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