It was the day when the class was about one week away from being over. To mark the end of the class, the level 3 & level 4 students had to perform a drama of their own and take part in a discussion respectively. As for me, since I just got involved in the class a week ago, I did nothing but to enjoy the drama presented by my classmates and others. I never expected that it would be torturing-ly excellent: most of them spoke good Korean and acted their guts out. I could not stop laughing in every scenes that they had to offer.

I think our sonsaengnim was so impressed by her students' performance that she unexpectedly thanked the whole class by throwing a pizza party. Yes, 4 boxes of Seoul Cheese Pizza were delivered to our class as a token of our sonsaengnim's warm thanks to our performance. She did say that 색각보다 우리가 더 잘했다 'we did better than she had expected'.

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