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Saturday, September 3, 2011

E-Mart: Korea's answer to Carrefour :)

Yes, there are no Carrefours in Korea--not like in Indonesia where Matahari's Hypermarkets or Carrefours dot the skylines of wholesale markets. While in Korea, it is E-Mart or for some part, its rival, Lotte Market.
I also realized that Carrefours had been 'taken over' or 'purchased' by E-Mart and made them into their own brand. Way to Go.!
I found it quite a helpful place for it is located just 5-minute walk from the campus gate.
This time around, I went there to check the prices out. I had to learn and navigate my sense of using the currency here by directly go into the store and feel the sense of the prices here. Instead of rack (not window) shopping, we ended up buying some stuffs, too, here. :)

I bought 이마트 들기름으로 구운 재래김 6봉 (6 packs of Perilla oil fried kim, produced by E Mart); then I also bought 우뚜기밥 (210g each): it is a cooked rice in a small plastic cup that I can just heat them inside the microwave for 2 minutes before consuming them. It is a convenient way to eat rice since we are not allowed to cook inside the dormitory :) hmmmm
Oh, I also bought two small boxes of milk (남양맛있는우유) 'Delicious milk of Namyang'. Well, it turned out that I prefer Seoul milk or 서울우유--the one that I used to drink back then.:)
Last but not least, I bought this mayonnaise from CheongJeongwon company that I love so much. Since this is 후레이쉬마요네즈 (fresh mayonnaise), I could store it in my fridge and use it whenever I feel like it with my bread or any other food I have.
One more thing to note is that....E Mart also gives a free-parking coupon for 2 hours if we shop there. Just like what Carrefour does--though this E Mart seems more interesting. 2 hours!!!
But, the funny thing was that...I got two free coupons....and what for? we do not drive here:)
..that is why I took the picture of it and made it into a souvenir.:)

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