?...Welcome to Suray's World & Beyond

where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

HUFS (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

I just took this facade of the main building at dusk. I was waiting for my friend, Maya who was calling her parents. She was not in the picture, of course. So, since I got to wait for her, I took my time to take this snapshot of this seemingly similar building found in major campuses around Seoul. What I mean is that most of the main building found in some campuses in Korea or Seoul to say the least....has this kind of Grecian or classically huge column around them. I never had this thought before.
One thing fore sure, it was a clear sky and the breeze was breezing a bit cozy for me when I remembered taking this picture. The blue illuminated big inscriptions that say 'Hankuk University of Foreign Studies' is highlighted in the depths of sheer darkness that surrounds this building, which is comparatively different situation from the myriads of lights of the streets in front of it.
As of writing this entry....I am going to study here for four years (2011-2015).
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim....May All be Blessed by Allah.

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