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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nasi Biryani

Since it is our first week in Seoul again, I still got to adjust myself (again this time) to the food around here. Not that I never ate Korean food, NO. I did many times eat lots of Korean food back in my hometown, Jogjakarta. But, the thing was that...it is so different here. I have to worry about whether the food contains pork, ham, or any meat that comes from piggy piggy:)
As for me (actually), it is somewhat acceptable in the sense that I do not have to worry that much because I am a vegetarian which kind of gives me an (unexpected) advantage of being a vegetarian in a country where pork and ham are widely used. But still, I got to make myself alerted.
So, this time, when we were at Itaewon--a district where the only Mosque available is right there--I got myself a chance to buy any halal food available. So, we went into this Indian restaurant and treated us with a big box of Indian biryani rice. It is a good thing that I take it out instead of dining in there--so as to be able to enjoy it at the dormitory while doing something else.
Hmmm..it is so delicious since it has lots of vegetables in it. One thing for sure: the color, the smell, the ingredients, and the taste are all familiar. Such a nice treat in the first week of my 4-year stay in Korea. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim.

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