안녕하세요?...Welcome to Suray's World & Beyond

where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Thanks to Instagram

It's not that I do not want to blog any longer, It's just that.....since I began instagramming in May 2016, I did not write a single entry on my blog. Hmm.....
So....I would like to inform anyone (who may bump into this page) about my instagram.account. i.e. suray.an

Thank you.

2016년 5월부터 원래 블로그에다 자주 털어 놓은 우리 얘기들은 저의 인스타그램으로 올려 놓게 된다.

Monday, May 2, 2016


Geram dengan AADC 2
AADC 2 (Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2)? Bukan. Bukan itu yang saya maksud. Saya yang berada di Korea hanya bisa gigit jari sembari geram karena tak bisa menonton dan ikut-ikutan antri berjam-jam demi bernostalgia bersama Rangga dan Cinta. Jadi, apa maksud AADC 2 ini?
2 Mei adalah Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas). Jadi saya sengaja meminjam singkatan terheboh di tanah air saat ini untuk menelisik tentang “Ada Apa Dengan Cetakan” (AADC) tanggal 2 Mei, yang akhirnya sengaja saya plesetkan menjadi AADC 2. Saya yakin semua orang Indonesia tahu, ingat, dan sadar bahwa hari ini adalah Hardiknas. Entahlah. Jangan-jangan gara-gara (film) AADC ada yang “lupa” bahwa 2 Mei adalah Hardiknas.
Sengaja saya ganti kata yang diwakili oleh huruf “C” (Cinta) menjadi kata “Cetakan”.  Ada apa dengan cetakan? Celotehan apa ini?
Terkait Hardiknas, ada hal yang sempat menggelitik saya, dan saya yakin para pembaca pun juga pernah mempertanyakan hal ini. Mengapa ada Hari Pendidikan dan tak ada Hari Pengajaran? Jika dijawab singkat, maka mendidik berbeda dengan mengajar. Orang yang mendidik, kemungkinan besar dia pun mengajar, bukan sebaliknya. Bahkan bisa dikatakan pula bahwa mendidik sebaiknya lebih diutamakan daripada sekedar mengajar. Dari sinilah bisa dikatakan bahwa mengajar tak ada bedanya dengan mencetak orang. Sementara itu, mendidik tidak mencetak, tapi membentuk orang.
Pengajar berbeda dengan pendidik. Pengajar yang mengajar hanyalah memindah apa yang ada di dalam otaknya kepada anak didik, lebih parah lagi dia sekedar memindah isi buku kepada orang lain lewat “pengajarannya”. Tak ada bedanya dia memberikan cetakan kepada anak didik untuk mencetak hal yang sama. Tak ada celah inovasi. Sedangkan, seorang pendidik menggunakan metode pengajaran sebagai (salah satu) sarananya untuk mempengaruhi daya pikir, daya kayal, bahkan moral anak didiknya. Di sinilah seorang pendidik tidak hanya puas mengajarkan ilmunya, namun dia membiarkan anak didiknya mengembangkan apa yang dipelajari bahkan dia pun ikut membentuk karakter anak didik.
Melongok ke tanah air, setiap tanggal ini pulalah seakan-akan kita “diingatkan” untuk lagi-lagi menengok pelbagai permasalahan yang tersisa (baca: terus ada?) dalam dunia pendidikan kita. Tiap tahun pas tanggal ini maka muncullah isu kurikulum, kualitas guru, kurangnya fasilitas, ketimpangan pendidikan antardaerah, dan “kerak-kerak” masalah yang tiap tahun seakan tiada habisnya dalam dunia pendidikan Indonesia. Untuk itulah, dalam celotehan ini, saya hanya ingin menekankan perkara “cetakan” ini.
Dengan menempatkan diri sebagai seorang mahasiswa dan tutor—dualisme yang saya sandang selama menjadi mahasiswa asing di sebuah universitas di Korea dan selama menjadi tutor di Universitas Terbuka Indonesia (UT) di Korea—saya bermimpi agar setiap orang mau dan berusaha menjadi pendidik. Seorang pendidik tidak harus seorang guru yang secara resmi bekerja dan berkarya di sekolah. Semua orang bisa menjadi pendidik. Identitas apa pun yang kita sandang, entah itu sebagai guru, murid, karyawan, pedagang, pekerja, penjaga toko, tukang parkir, petani, dokter, teknisi, dan apa pun itu, kita bisa menjadi pendidik.
Memang, tak ada salahnya bahwa ketika Hardiknas semua ingatan kolektif kita akan langsung menerawang ke urusan guru dan murid. Dalam Hardiknas ini, saya tiba-tiba merasakan kembali hubungan saya sebagai tutor dan mahasiswa saya di UT yang hampir semuanya adalah para pekerja migran yang kebanyakan hanya dianggap ke Korea cari uang. Justru, ada sebagian dari mereka yang memandang proses “membentuk” diri sebagai tujuan lain mereka ke Korea. Untuk itulah, siapa bilang saya yang mengajar apalagi mendidik mereka? Justru, ternyata selama 3 tahun menjadi tutor, mereka-lah yang telah “membentuk” saya menjadi seorang yang sabar dan sadar akan keberadaan dan identitas saya. Saya belajar banyak dari mereka yang di tengah kesibukan dan himpitan waktu, mereka tetap tegar untuk berusaha menuntut ilmu. Ya, mereka tak sadar telah mendidik saya yang pada awalnya datang untuk mengajar(?) mereka.
Intinya, saya yang pada awalnya hanya ingin mengajar, akhirnya malah belajar dari mereka. Niat berusaha menjadi pendidik yang baik pun semakin terasa. Saya yakin rekan tutor yang lain pun demikian adanya. Inilah yang saya maksudkan. Mahasiswa saya pun “mendidik” saya. Tak bisa lagi saya memandang mereka hanya sebagai pekerja, mereka adalah “pendidik” yang “membentuk” saya. Mereka tanpa sadar mengingatkan bahwa saya sebagai tutor tidak boleh sekedar “mencetak” mereka. Itu mudah tercapai jika saya hanya membaca modul pengajaran, menghafalnya, dan menerocos di depan mereka tanpa berusaha memahami mereka tanpa memberikan kesempatan mereka untuk berkembang. Itulah yang saya rasakan begitu saya “sadar” dan “diingatkan” bahwa 2 Mei adalah Hardiknas.
AADC? Ada Apa Dengan Cetakan? Jangan sekedar mencetak orang. Didiklah mereka sebagaimana mereka pun mendidik kita.
Namun, tak ada salahnya saya comot lagi AADC yang asli.
Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? Jangan sekedar mendidik tanpa Cinta.
Seoul, 2 Mei 2016.

Monday, March 7, 2016

We Made It: Our Book!!!

Thanks to Agus and Ozy ..and of course other friends..who had helped....preparing for the publication and the...laucnhing.
Yup..as many as 600 books were published ..not to mention the hundreds others back home in Indonesia.
I couldn't be more happier..to know that a lot of students participated in this.
Proud...and happy.
Thank you to all of our students at UT Korea for having made this endeavor ..possible and enjoyable.
We do hope that your stories ...are shared for generations to come.

Books Written by My Students: The Launching Event

I couldn't be more happier. Yup..March 6, 2016 marked the day when finally my personal journey of "rigorously" and "patiently" usurping my students' lives...paid off.  
^^ yup....'usurping'...'violating' in the positive sense....I did come into their lives...asking them to share their stories to be compiled in a book. 
As a member of INAKOS (International Association of Korean Studies in Indonesia), I've been ...lunatically ㅋㅋㅋ hahaha....going after my students, Indonesian migrant workers, student/workers in Korea......to share their stories ....to the public. 
Yeaah...we did it. 
Yup, the book titled "Sensasi Seru Jalan-Jalan di Korsel" was finally re-published in Korea. (After it was published in Jogja last year. It's republished after as many as 23 writers (who are mostly the students of Indonesia Open University in Korea or UT Korea) joined in.  
The event of the launching itself was made possible by the great cooperation of all of the students and tutors at UT Korea. 
We invited the students to the auditorium where we had the event...so as to give a chance for others to see what their peers have achieved. Right. Writing about one's experiences is no easy feat. It takes time and courage and determination...even just to write or retell one's stories into an essay. So the fact that as many as 14 students of UT Korea joined in....indeed overwhelmed me...(being said: I'm proud of them)
Just like last year's event. This year's publication was made possible by a partial support from the Senior Public Diplomacy Group, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Korea.
We managed to have a pose in front of the event venue....^^
Since we re-launched the book in Korea, of course...only those residing in Korea could attend this Launching Event. Those in Indonesia could not...unfortunately. But..surely enough..they knew about the event.
Thanks to Indonesian Embassy in Korea for their support...
Some of my students...proudly...showing off their books. Yup, their stories, life stories, traveling stories, occupational experiences...are all jotted down in this book.
Bravo, guys. We're proud of you.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Arts..Made by Eyra. Miniatures in Syle

Eyra always makes lots of stuffs out of color clays. Recently, she's  really into MINIATURES.
Yup, she made these mini chocolates....gosh...
And the funny thing was that..she even named it.
It's called Diet Chocolate.
Even, all the wrappings were also meticulously cut to match the chocolate.
The house is full of her works....since she makes literally new stuffs everyday.
But..that's the beauty of it. She finds her own world to enjoy and get herself drawn into.
축하 축하..Eyra.

A Rare Occasion of Catching Up with Uztad Widjayanto

Alhamdulillah. hmm who would've thought that I could meet my former spiritual teacher as well as my senior at campus....when I was still in undergraduate in Jogja. Yup, it's February 14...no...it's not about Valentine's day...ㅋㅋㅋ no.^^ BNI 46, one of Indonesia's state-owned bank just opened its first branch in Korea. Yup, and to mark the official opening....Ustad Widjayanto was invited. 
Right, he's famous for being ustad gaul (a spiritual teacher) who uses a special approach to lure and entice the hearts of his listeners to ...learn about religion and life and well..everything....be it social, political, economy, world issue..everything...but in such a way that we never felt being 'lectured on' or bombardized with dogmatic views or stuffs like that. Nope. He made lots of jokes. He made fun of himself. He made fun of everyone in such a way...that we knew it's a joke but it's true. Yup, we also learned about things which were satirically true ....and that really smacked us down right through the hearts...and then..we realize that we're just human....simply human and that we're reminded of who we are and where we're all going...
Thank you, Ustad Widjayanto..mas Widjayanto....for everything.
Okay, thanks as well to BNI 46 for having invited mas Widjayanto.^^
Right...this bank is near Seoul station and Namdaemun market..so it's easily accessible for everyone.
Congratulations for the opening of BANK BNI 46 in Seoul. ..and more branches are opening soon.

Kebab? No, It's a Falafel Sandwich

Yup, since I couldn't eat any meat....hmmm just ordered this vegetarian falafel which was delicious. hmm so yummy. I never thought that I could go into a Turkish kebab restaurant since it's always like a no-no for me to go inside. Of course, the only reason was no other than me being a vegetarian. I have been so oblivious that there are other menu I could choose from. Better yet, I could actually order things without meat in it. 
Well, it's my preconception of Kebab is all about...what Kebab restaurant is all about. This kind of thought kept me from even...stepping my feet inside the restaurant.
So, every Friday after Friday prayer, lots of my friends just cannot wait to go in line and order their favorite Kebab. It's halal, to give it a plus...advantage. 
Then....a whole new world of possibility just opened up for me: Falafel. Veggie Falafel.

A Coincidence?

I guess not. I just realized that EBS TV really shows what the children in South Korea are learning. I mean.....everyday they broadcast stuffs kids (mostly at the elementary school) need to learn and brush up on a daily basis. Ok, the other day, since it's the graduation week for all kids at school, the program highlighted about wish-necklace...or hope-necklace that all kids need? must? have to? make in the class. They write down all of their hopes, promises, wishes, etc on numerous paper and then rolled them up one by one..and then attached them one by one so as to make a chain. Yup, a chain or necklace of hope.
Here's the thing: was it a coincidence that Freya just happened to make one at her school that day? No way. It's not. So, I learned that this hope-necklace class activity must have been a nationally-driven program to be carried out in the whole Korea. wow. 
okay..just saying. wow. hmm....hmm..hmm..

Two Ads I Saw at Subway Station

wait...this is not the one I saw at the station, but I bumped into this ad on the subway. This tells about ..wow...this is interesting....each region's best produce. wow...I think I could refer to this ad..and this picture to know what the specialties of a specific region are. Hmm..but..it's so darn cute and small. Too small to read.^^ People would just shrug it off..and would not notice it. 
The second one is about a charity campaign to warm the hearts of the passers by or the commuters. A story of an orphan who had to live with his (supposedly) grandmother and had to sustain on his own life. A help would be a warm blessing for him. 
I wonder how he's doing now. Hope things got better for him and his grandma. 
* but..one thing that quite intrigued me was ...whether...the same ad with the same picture will be used (again) next year? or..was there any chance that this particular ad was already used in the past?
either way...that would be so....oh, well.
Just hope for the best for the boy.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Eulwangri Beach at Night

Being the closest sandy beach to Seoul is a plus. We took the airport train to Incheon airport for about 1 hour, and then from the 3rd floor, we took 302 or 306 bus and got off at Eulwangri beach.
It's dusk..and the sun just set a few minutes earlier when we arrived there.
Without further ado, we started having fun...
while enjoying the orange-red-glowing skies on the west horizon..
afar...a line up of eateries and the tallest hotel in the area were visible.
We kept on walking and walking..and feeling the breeze of air on the beach.
Eyra and Freya were of course ecstatic to be able to see the shore again...
It's a bit funny to think that last year..we also spent new year's eve at the Eastern sea of Korea, at Jeongdongjin beach.
..and then on the eve of Lunar New Year, we also spent the night, only this time...
we went to the western part of the peninsula...to embrace this beach.
The good thing was that...not many people..in fact..no other people were there..and that's the best part actually, for we could really enjoy the scenery..all to ourselves.^^
Of course, it's winter..and no one considered going to the beach in winter..
so, we just did the opposite....the anti mainstream..
and what we got? we got a whole beach to ourselves and a huge discount on the hotel.^^

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