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where you will see what I treasure and cherish in simple yet wonderful life.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Family Reunion in Korea

The topic of today is the arrival of my family that I had been waiting for. Finally, it was December 10, 2011: the day when my family came to Korea.

I just could not wait to meet the angels: Eyra and Freya: my daughters who (I’m sure) missed me as well.

I prepared for the day with lots of preparations. One thing for sure: the two-room house that we rent was ready right before they came. In fact, I moved into the new home the night before they came to Korea.

OK...shortly speaking: I woke up early to go to Incheon International Airport (IAA) by AREX (Airport Express) from Seoul Station. I thought it was one of the best highlights that Seoul has to offer for all of the world travellers.

From Seoul station, it took only 50 minutes or so to the IAA. In the wee early hour, I managed to arrive at the airport just in time to meet my family. I was happy as well as nervous for having to wait for their arrival. It was like a feeling of having to meet them for the first time.
Anyhow...the information board at the arrival hall finally showed that the Garuda Flight from Jakarta had just landed safely. I was ecstatic. Could not wait to meet my family. After for about 45 minutes of waiting.....after their landing....I finally managed to see and meet them again after 3 months. ^^

I could see the surprised and can-not-believe look on my daughters’ faces as they were running towards me. Their expressions were like....”So, it  IS true that Daddy is IN Korea just like Mommy told us.” Funny, eh? Well, I mean...for the past three months...the only way we connected to each other was through phone, internet, or Skype-ing.

So, it was like too-good-to-be-true kind of feeling.
Being united again....was so deliberately .....freshly ....indescribably....soothing.
Ok...then..came the hugging and kisses moment.....ignoring the fact that we were in the midst of others. But.....it was unplanned for.
Then...came the time when we had to keep up with one another. My angels never let their hands off me as soon as we met...right until we got ourselves to Seoul by AREX again.

In between, we managed to take some pictures as tokens of memories of their arrival to Korea. At that time, IAA was already decked with the Season’s best greetings and nuance and atmosphere. X-mas was everywhere...or should I say... the Winter festivities were alreay there as if to meet and greet all of the travellers who came to Korea during this Winter.
All in all...it was such a great day....one thing for sure..because I met my family again....^^

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