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Monday, March 12, 2012

Korean Rice

 Korea Rice or 우리나라의 쌀 or 한국의 밥 or 한국인의 밥... well....it depends on how Korean people describe their own staple food....which is no other than rice itself.
Now...I would like to share my story about what we've been eating for the past 4 months or so.
Since we come from Southeast Asia, we were used to having our kind of rice. So, it was a good thing that we end up finding Thailand rice right here in Seoul.
So, we've been consuming the kind of rice that we used to have back home.
It was a good thing at first.
But...as things went by.....we are so accustomed to having and eating Southeast Asian rice...THAT...(wait for it)......whenever we dine out and eat Korean rice...we feel the kind of different feeling of excitement and fulfillment^^. We felt like..we found something more tempting and palatable.
Upon finding ourselves got hooked up with Korean rice, we ...afterwards...decided that as soon as we finished cooking or using up all of the S.E. rice that we stocked, we would buy Korean rice. After all, we all live in Seoul right now.

So, yesterday was the first time ever that we bought Korean rice. Oh, gosh...Korean rice is expensive. But, we got a great deal yesterday at Jillo Mart 진로마트 near our residence.So, we rushed ourselves there and bought a 20-kg pack of Korean rice. 청원쌀^^
It cost only 27,900 Won /sack. Well, the average price of a 20-kg sack of rice is around 40,000 Won. so, I thought it was a great deal, which was too good to resist.
So,.....upon buying it, Wawan's wife and my wife were busy sharing the rice we just bought.
And today...I tasted the first ever....home-made Korean rice.

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