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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My father's Old Red Colt

Colt? what is it? I do not think that kids these days would instantly know what Colt is. They never see it nowadays. But, my father owns one. It is a Japanese car made in 1974--the year when I was born. So, it is as old as I am. I remembered that my father bought it in 1997 (the year of the Rabbit) from used cars dealer. I remember when it was because I still remember the time when my father attached a sticker of a rabbit on the back window of the car. Now its price is just a mere IDR 10 million--which is so cheap compared to the nostalgic moments and memories it had with the family. So, instead of selling it out, my father decided to keep it although there is actually a Toyota Kijang at home. He decided that it would be wrong to sell it since the Colt itself has played its important role in shaping the family's history--that is how my father speaks of the car.
I got a chance to take a snap of the cars while my kid and her cousin sat on the front part of the car (I do not know what it is called in the automotive world). Since it was taken at night using my cellular camera, it did not turn out quite clear enough to make it out what it was about.
The most important thing is that.....it is still in a good condition and works just fine.

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