사람은 모도 각기 다른 얼굴을 갖고 있다. 착하고 품위 있는 얼굴을 가진 이도 있고, 흉하고 험상궂은 얼굴을 가진 이도 있다. 우리에게 자기의 얼굴을 선택할 자유는 없다. 얼굴은 이세상에 태어날때 부모님한테서 선물로 받은 것이다. 즉, 재주나 체질과 마찬가지로 운명적으로 결정된 것이다. 누구나 맑고 아름다운 얼굴을 갖기를 원한다. 추하고 못 생긴 얼굴을 바라는 사람은 아마 이 세상에 한 사람도 없을 것이다. 톨스토이의 작품을 읽고 보면, 그가 젊었을 때 자기에 코가 넓적하고 흉한 것을 무척 비관하여 세상을 부정적으로 보게 되었다는 이야기가 노온다. 젊었을 때에는 특히 자기 얼귤의 미추 (美醜)에 대해서 유난히 관심을 갖는다.
Each man has his own face. There are those who have good and dignified face, there are those who have rough and rigid face. We do not have the freedom to choose our own face. Face is a present that our parents* have given us since we were born to the world. Likewise, talent and physical characteristics are predestined facts. Everyone wants to have bright and beautiful face. It is unlikely that there is anyone who wishes to have an ugly and rough appearance. If we read one of Tolstoy's works, we would learn that when he was young he disgusted at the sight of his own nose for being big and flattened that he became to look at the world negatively. It is argued that when we are young we are prone to be particularly concerned about our looks (as to whether we are pretty or ugly).
* in the Korean text, it is our parents who decides the looks of our face. The translation should be God has given us....
(Taken from the reading material in the class, 안병욱, (행복의 미학), 1966
.....to be continued
Each man has his own face. There are those who have good and dignified face, there are those who have rough and rigid face. We do not have the freedom to choose our own face. Face is a present that our parents* have given us since we were born to the world. Likewise, talent and physical characteristics are predestined facts. Everyone wants to have bright and beautiful face. It is unlikely that there is anyone who wishes to have an ugly and rough appearance. If we read one of Tolstoy's works, we would learn that when he was young he disgusted at the sight of his own nose for being big and flattened that he became to look at the world negatively. It is argued that when we are young we are prone to be particularly concerned about our looks (as to whether we are pretty or ugly).
* in the Korean text, it is our parents who decides the looks of our face. The translation should be God has given us....
(Taken from the reading material in the class, 안병욱, (행복의 미학), 1966
.....to be continued
Excellent Post about Seoul